Saturday, July 25, 2009

Loose Weight Fast

Every women want to have beautiful body, free from obesity. Previous time, my weight was 72kg. I feel very not confidence. The various ways i have been try but the results naught. After i almost give up, finally i found a simple and easy way to loose weight. The result is amazing ( even i wasn't thought..). My weight lose 6kg in ten days. I share the tips for my friends, almost all of them is success lose their weight 3kg-6kg in ten days. Through this article, i want to share the success in lowering body weight with you.

1. Breakfast
You must be fixed it to remain energy when you get work or do activity. Breakfast with full cream milk ( you can mixed with the crunch or oatmeal ), 3 pieces biscuits and warm sweet tea can established your energy to do activity until the lunch time. If usually you have breakfast with rice, let the small portion. Better before breakfast you drink a glass of mineral water and a cup of coffee. Coffee (not too many of origin) can function as a detox.

2. The Distance Between Breakfast and Lunch is 5 hours.
Until the lunch time, don't eat anything. Drink mineral water before lunch. Take a normal portion and complete for your lunch. This is your "free time".

3. Eat Healthy Snack.
It is useful to keep your big appetite when you get dinner.

4. Small Portion Dinner
Don't forget to drink fruit juice. If you using diet pill, take it 1 hour before dinner.

Please try my tips and proofed it or you have any other way?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Natural Beauty Secret

Surely every woman wants to look beautiful. Women always try to maintain and care for beauty in many ways, from inexpensive to the expensive. Here is a secret to keep and care for beauty naturally without the chemical drugs.

1. Fresh and Beauty Skin
Secret: Clay, mix with a little water to form a pasta. Apply through the body including the face correspond the mask. Rinse dried after the water. You can use direct experience shortly after this treatment.

2. Hair Soft Shimmer
Secret: Flour, provided that you do not mind a little fuss.. :P
Sieve and mixed half cup wheat and half a cup of millet flour. add water and apple vinegar, poke average. Apply through to the hairs, except the scalp hair. Roll the hair up and close with shower cap. Let 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse with cold water (do not use the hot water, because it will make a sticky dough). Wash your hair using shampoo as usual then rinse with cold water.

3. Breast Fast
Secret: Ice Water, compress with a towel that has been soaked in ice water.

4. Acne
Mixed one packet dry yeast extract with lemon, apply blotch on leave 5 minutes. Rinse...after that see the results at a glance.

Friday, July 17, 2009

HomeMade Spa Soap

Sebagai perempuan anda pasti ingin selalu terlihat cantik bukan? caranya ya dengan merawat kecantikan anda, tapi terkadang merawat kecantikan itu memerlukan biaya besar dan membuang waktu.

Nah...sekarang ada Spa yang murah, praktis, dan yang pasti bermanfaat untuk merawat kecantikan anda. Namanya Sabun Spa AZLEE...

Sabun ini terbuat dari bahan-bahan herbal, yang salah satunya berupa coconut oil yang ampuh untuk membuat kulit anda halus, mulus, lembut, harum, dan bercahaya...too good to be true? ngga banget deh...karena saya sudah pernah mencoba,bahkan sampai sekarang. Asalkan penggunaan teratur, percaya deh efeknya bagus banget buat kulit.

Banyak Variant yang bisa anda pilih, diantaranya:
1.Bengkuang, bermanfaat untuk mencerahkan kulit, menghaluskan, melembabkan, dan mengencangkan kulit.

2. Lavender, bermanfaat untuk menghaluskan, melembabkan kulit, dan dengan keharumannya bisa membuat rileks...

3.Cendana (SandalWood). bermanfaat untuk menghaluskan kulit, mengangkat sel kulit mati, dan...membuat suami tambah bergairah dengan mencium aroma tubuh kita setelah menggunakan sabun ini... :P

4.Cengkeh (Clove), bermanfaat untuk menghaluskan kulit.

5. Melati (Jasmine), bermanfaat untuk menyegarkan, menenangkan kulit, dan menjaga kulit agar tetap awet muda.

Variant lain juga masih banyak lhooo... Harganya Murah dibanding spa products yang lainnya...cuma Rp.12.000,- (ukuran kecil) dan Rp.15.000 (ukuran besar)
Minimum order: 3 pcs (kalau cuma satu, mahal ongkirnya hehehe)

Order ke: iren (0857-14123005) ym:
henry (0813-9999-7315) ym:

Buruan ya diorder, dicoba, dipakai, dan dirasakan manfaatnya ^_^

Facts of Credit Card

Using Credit Card (CC) is the one of convenience for our deal. But if you does not manage well the use of it, you will in debt that always never end.
This is the facts behind the use of Credit Card.

1. Signature
Your signature can prevent Credit Card theft.
Fact: in otherwise, your signature can be stolen. The thief could forge your signature when used your credit card to make some deal. So, if you decide not put your signature on your credit card, you could show your signature of the identity card.

2. Fine Charge
You certainly know if you pay bill late it will be forfeit the charge. But, do you know if sometime the charge can reached almost 30%? therefore, use your credit card carefully.

3. The Grace Period
Pay bills at the time of grace period is good step. But, you must pay full. If u pay 95% at the time of grace period, you will still be charge on the 100% shortfall penalties that 5% of bill.

4. Over limit
Banks does not reject your transaction even your credit card already beyond the limit. They want a relationship grounded well with you.
Fact: the interest rate and penalties sky will make you always in debt.

5. Credit Ceiling
Even you pay the bill more than the loans it is would not make your credit ceiling increase.

6. Credit Card Much Better
Fact: Credit much better is the same means with much debt. Just use 1 or 2 credit card and you manage the both.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

How to Become a Smart Single Parent

A single parent is not easy. Dont be sad and never give up. Get your future better for your children. Here is some tips from me based on my personal experiences.

1. Your children is your priority. You must always remember that!!!

2. Work,work, and always work.
Many women who do not work at the time of marriage. The husbands that the search the sustenance for the family. At the time of the divorce, you also need to find sustenance for your children. At least for your self, if your former husband still bear the cost for your children.

3.Must be Independent
Never depend on anyone, especially with the men. Because you will be insulted as a weak women and look like to utilized your status. People will appreciate you, if they see your independence and struggle for your children.

4. Remember this words carefully : " My head, my blood, my bones, and my life only for my children. They need me " if any time you feel tired to work. Believe me, your spirit would filled again.

5. Things hundreds of time if you want to marry again. See good candidates for your husband, whether he was the best men for your children. Do not repeat previous mistakes the same. Discard far away your self-love for comfort of your children